Smule Downloader

Download all your performances from Smule for free!

Enter an URL to any Smule-Performance

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What is Sownloader?

Sownloader is the best available Smule Downloader. It supports all apps of Smule, like Sing! karaoke or Magic Piano, and can be used entirely for free. You can download both audio and video recordings from Smule. Sownloader also offers you the possibility to convert all recordings from Smule directly to MP3 with a very high bitrate of 320kHz.

It does not matter on which device you use Sownloader. You can download your recordings both on your computer and on mobile devices with Android or iOS.

Why should I download my recordings?

Many people do not realize that recordings of Smule are automatically deleted after one year if the user does not have a VIP account. But of course you still want to listen to your best recordings after one year. That's where Sownloader is involved. You can also use your recordings creatively and include them in your own videos or share them with friends and family.

So there are many reasons for saving your recordings. The most important reason, however, is that Smule can stop apps at any time. For example, it happened in the past with Glee Karaoke (the predecessor of Sing! Karaoke). All recordings from this app (except the best ones) have been lost.

Sownloader also allows you to quickly and easily back up additional information about the recordings. For example, the cover art is automatically downloaded for each recording of Smule. You can also add information about the song, artist and app to each song. This is especially useful if you want to import your songs to your Apple device using iTunes, as this data is interpreted and displayed in the music app.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find my Smule URL?
How can I save my song on my phone?
How can I save my recording from Smule as MP3?
Is there a download limit per day?
Can I download my Smule recording with a different filename?
Sownloader does not find a download URL
Which apps are supported?
What data is stored by Sownloader?

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